Pass Pledge: Supporting you until you're qualified
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Delivering health and safety
training courses and consultancy
since 2005.

At Phoenix, we deliver a range of health and safety training courses online, in the classroom, via distance and even in-house learning.

IEMA Certified Logo
iosh approved training provider

NEBOSH Health and Safety Training Courses

The gold-standard health and safety training courses. Our NEBOSH courses cover general occupational health & safety, construction, fire safety and international markets.

IOSH Health and Safety Training Courses

IOSH, the world's biggest health & safety membership organisation, has courses covering three different levels suitable for employees, managers and directors.

IEMA Environmental Sustainability Courses

IEMA courses provide a global standard for environmental sustainability to employees at all levels of an organisation.

Short Health and Safety Training Courses

Phoenix's range of short courses can be studied online or in-house and offer a range of specialised training, ideal for new starters are refreshing employee knowledge.

Why learn with Phoenix?

We offer our clients a high quality service that places customer satisfaction at the forefront of what we do. Not only are our results unsurpassed, we also remain committed to our belief that learning should be a fun and enjoyable experience for delegates. Read more about us.

A selection of the great companies we work with

Pass Pledge Logo

Phoenix Pass Pledge

Candidates are entitled to continue studying (free of charge) if they fail to meet the required standard in the examinations.

Don't just take our word for it

We are one of the UK’s premier health and safety training companies. Head to Trustpilot to find out why we’re rated 4.9 by previous customers. You’ll also be pleased to know that we have pass rates above the industry average.

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